The Tri-Parish Pro-Life Ministry will hold their next meeting on
Thursday, February 15th, at 7:00 pm in the St. Joseph Parish Center
Board Room. We hope you can join us for a report on the March for
Life and to discuss plans for our Spring and Fall events. Come and
meet our new Co-Presidents, Karen Rabineau and Julie Staab.

The annual Lenten luncheons will be held
at St. Jerome Parish Hall in Battle Creek
every Wednesday from February 14th
through March 21st . There will be a Mass
celebrated by Father James Richardson
on Wednesday, February 14th (Ash
Wednesday) at 11:000 a.m. with the distribution
of ashes. The other Lenten
luncheon Masses will begin at 10:45 a.m.
The speaker of the day will begin his address following the celebration
of the Mass with a light lunch following the presentation.
There is no charge for these events, but a free will offering would
be appreciated

2018 Speakers

February 14 Father James Richardson (St. Mary Parish, Kalamazoo)
February 21 Father Patrick Murphy (V. A. Medical Center, Battle Creek)
February 28 Bishop Paul Bradley (Diocese of Kalamazoo)
March 7 Father Thomas McNally ( St. Augustine Cathedral, Kalamazoo)
March 14 Father Bill Jacobs (St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Portage)
March 21 Father John Fleckenstein (St. Philip Parish, Battle Creek)
Please join us for these inspirational talks about the Lenten season adn enjoyo food and fellowship

Abstinence from eating meat is to be observed by all those 14
and above on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all the Fridays
in Lent. On Fridays outside Lent, they may substitute another
penitential act in place of abstinence.
Fasting is required of those 18 to 60 on Ash Wednesday and
Good Friday. The USCCB has defined fasting in the United
States as one full meal and two smaller meals not equaling
another full meal together. Snacking is not permitted.
People may be excused from these practices for certain reasons,
e.g. pregnant mothers.

Permanent adorers needed for Sacred Heart Adoration Chapel (Seton Center):
Wednesday 4-5 p.m.
Thursday 8-9 a.m.
Friday 1-2 p.m.

Join us for a 10-week small-group retreat that delves into the simplicity and grandeur of Consoling spirituality. This retreat is based on the popular book by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, Consoling the Heart of Jesus. Gain new insights into how you can console Jesus; learn the keys to the great sanctity of the saints and blessed like Therese of Lisieux, Faustina Kowalska, and Mother Teresa; and have all the tools you’ll need to “become a saint, a great saint, and quickly.”

Tuesday’s beginning January 16th – March 20th from 6:30 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. in St. Joseph School library OR Thursday’s beginning January 18th – March 22nd from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. at St. Jerome Church.

Cost of Materials: $20.00

RSVP to Barb Kincaid at or sign-up in the vestibule
of the church.

BLESSINGS: A New Year…A New Beginning
NEEDS: BLANKETS (All Sizes), PILLOWS; Small Kitchen APPLIANCES; BOOTS for the Family, WINTER Coats for Men & Children; Dinner Plates & Bowls (Microwavable) JANUARY NEW YEAR SPECIALS:30% OFF All Clothing OVER $1 (Except WINTER Coats/Jackets/Boots); 20% OFF All Home DÉCOR; BROWN BAG of $1 Clothing – $5; Discount with every purchase.

We wish you all a very Happy and Blessed New Year! We thank you for all your clean, gently-used donations and we invite you to visit us at the shop, check out our merchandise, and help us raise money for the church (Wed. – Fri.) and the charitable organizations which help run the shop (Sat.): CCW, St. Vincent DePaul, The Knights of Columbus, and the Tri-Parish Youth Group. Gifts for St. Valentine’s Day are now on the Shelves, priced for every budget and always with a discount. Please take a few minutes and come take a look. A hot cup of coffee and friendly conversation are waiting for you…and maybe a bargain or two. New Year Blessings to you all!

Lenten luncheons are quickly approaching. Help is need for donating soups, furnishing cookies, and clean-up. A sign-up sheet is located in the vestibule of the church. Please consider volunteering for these special even

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