Outreach Ministries

Ministry to the Homebound
Ministry to the homebound is provided by the parish priests, deacon, and lay volunteers.

Catholic Charities
Heating Assistance
Do you know someone who needs heating assistance?
Anyone in need can access up to $300 of heating assistance. Contact the parish office or Catholic Charities (269-381-9800) to learn more.

Tri-Parish Pro-Life Ministry
The mission of the Tri-Parish Pro-Life Ministry is to promote respect for human life from conception to natural death as set forth in the papal encyclical Evangelium Vitae, The Gospel of Life, which tells us that all human life is sacred, for we have been created in the Image and Likeness of God.

Saint Vincent de Paul
Saint Vincent de Paul is an international Catholic voluntary organization of lay people, men, and women.

Saint Jerome Council of Catholic Women
The St. Jerome Council of Catholic Women act through its members to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service.
Saint Jerome Men’s Club
The St. Jerome Men’s Club is a fraternal organization originated to promote goodwill and unity for the men of the parish.